1. Matthew McConaughey / Rust Cohle / Man of My Dreams

source: fuckyeahrustcohle
Never had I ever had a male celebrity crush*. I contribute this to the feministic all-girls school mentality that I have. The mentality where I should have female role models over mindless crushes on male hotties... Though it shouldn't be called "all-girls school mentality" when my single-sex educated counterparts had crushes on Peter Wentz in primary school and Edward Cullen (?) in secondary school. Guess I'm just wise.
* I did write about Joaquin Phoenix a few posts back but it wasn't a full-on crush. And my feelings faded when Theodora pointed out that he was 5'8"... I like my crushes taller. Sorry not sorry.
But things changed earlier this year with Matthew McConaughey. I was initially unhappy about him. How could he be sweeping all the awards when he's an ex-rom com heartthrob who just happened to do really well in the past couple of years??? Then I watched Dallas Buyers Club and The Wolf of Wall Street...
Wolfie side-effect: chest pain from all the thumping that you do for the next month.
I'd been rooting for Matthew (why yes we're on first name basis) through the Oscars season... until he did this to me:

source: Christopher Polk/GettyImages
That Texas drawl is too much anyway... and that acceptance speech was at best a C, so I moved on:

source: fuckyeahrustcohle
RUST COHLE. The 1995 Rust Cohle is pretty much the man of my dreams.
I don't watch TV. I used to say that because I thought TV was dumb but now I simply don't have time. But True Detective's put me into the habit. The series has a few twists here and there. There were people online trying to decode all the hints / non-hints in the episodes and break the case before Rust Cohle did. My father was a homicide detective and having been fed with twisted murder tales since the young age of 3, you think I'd do better than sitting back and enjoying the show. But it turned out the people of Reddit were overthinking. Needless to say the end was a let-down but it made me glad that I had disobeyed my "nurturing".

source: hiddlesbatch-cinephile

source: van-aldens

source: nottibianche
With a compelling storyline, impeccable cinematography work and performances, True Detective is a great show that will only take up 8 hours of your life. But you should be ready to give up the rest of your life thinking about Rust Cohle.
2. Olloclip Knock-Off
Every girl goes through a photography phase. You know, horses... taking dumb pictures of your feet. - Lost in Translation
I like photography. Unlike most girls I know, I'm not in the auto mode camp. I love experimenting with aperture, shutter speed, ISO and etc. But a DSLR is too heavy for everyday lug-around and there are spontaneous moments that can only be captured with your smartphone camera. Though the iPhone camera is getting better and better (owner of a 5S and was amazed at the camera when I first took pics with it), there are limitations. For instance, you can't control the shutter speed. And you can't change the lens. Olloclip got that fixed.
I'm too poor for an Olloclip so my aunt ordered a knock-off for me from taobao. Less than one-tenth of the price but it's got the job done:
Wide angle, my fave:



3. Why Some Dreams Should Not Be Pursued

article | image source
Remember last month I was talking feverishly about my quarter-life crisis? I was unhappy and lost, feeling unappreciated and under-accomplished. In this article, Mark Manson has spoken the words and reasons in my head that I can't put my finger on... No I don't have a rape fantasy, but the rest of the article hits home. Dreams. The desire to achieve something great. Ah, story of my life. I want to be lots of things. I want to have a career, open a restaurant, write books, be successful. I want a family and stability. I want to be happy. I thought everything I want in life is the key to eternal happiness. But of course I know new variants of problems would arise with new life situations, but in my head I've chosen to overlook them.
And do I actually want a restaurant? I do. I want to serve and drink and act pally with happy guests. But do I WANT to go through all the annoying parts of starting a business? Not necessarily. Am I too unmotivated? Or do I not want this bad enough and should divert my energy to something that I want so badly I could devote 100 hours a week to?
Chasing dreams may just be an idea invented by self-help gurus and filmmakers. But maybe I'm just a lazy ass looking for an excuse to be lazy. But it's good to know I'm not alone in this.
Either way, I should now focus on finding something I truly enjoy. Fall in love with the process, not the result. And pray that something great will come out of a mediocre person like myself.
Your comments and opinions on everything that crosses your path are always much liked and much appreciated xdd (sorry if that sounds a bit formal, i just replied a formal email and can't shake off the tone yet LOL)
are you telling me that matthew mcconaughey really is your FIRST man crush as in #MCM? whuuuuuuaaaattt!! i didn't know that! hahaha but i do agree that his oscar speech is at best a C (best ones are to sandra bb and colin firth bb <3333)
i would love to hear some of your dad's stories XDD maybe blog about them sometime? pretty pleaseeeee as you know (i think i told u?) i had a crazy period in f2 in which i wanted to be a policeman XDD
anyway! a WELL-PLACED QUESTION MARK after edward cullen!!! i feel so sad when i rewatch HP4 and see cedric in his old glorious hufflepuff days..
mate this is a deep post. i love it.
1."True Detective is a great show that will only take up 8 hours of your life. But you should be ready to give up the rest of your life thinking about Rust Cohle." this just got me mate. i think im really gonna devote 8 hours to this series later~ i can see why ur so into mm! btw, ur dad= homicide detective= awesomeness overload!!
2. mate i love that "lost in translation" quote~ so artsy u r a mun ching. and ur photos have a sense of surrealism+ realism in it, and missing hanhan tooooooo aiya i should pick up photography with heavy dlsr hehe
miss our sushi times at apm with ur dlsr and gigi
3. im so with u. same going on here! fall in love with the process (y) and i reckon miracles only come with adequate tangible pain, and we just gotta defy those millions of reasons not to do it with 1 reason to just do it. lets motivate each other, shall we? u got my back always ;) x
p.s. ur writings getting better and better.
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