電影叫《Fucking Åmål》是因為主角經常詛咒Åmål, 稱Åmål為"fucking Åmål"。 由於名字太褻瀆的關係, 那些international disturbtors拒絕promote這部電影, 所以後來改了名為《Show Me Love》, 和片尾曲Robyn的Show Me Love一樣。

故事是講述兩個住在瑞典小鎮Åmål的青少年女孩 - Elin, 一個狂野, 美麗, 受歡迎但對小鎮生活感到厭倦的女孩; Agnes, 一個內向, 沒有什麼朋友的女孩。Agnes有一個秘密, 她喜歡Elin, 但是她和Elin是來自兩個不同世界的人。直到有一次, 一個開玩笑的吻, 令Elin對自己性別取向不能自持。

電影拍得很好, 演員也演得很好。我想導演Lukas Moodysson一定是十分明白青春期女孩的模稜兩可和她們的朋輩壓力。身為一個青少年, 我覺得這部電影間直是反映了我的想法, 好有共鳴, 很正! 雖然《Fucking Åmål》好像與一般的青少年電影無異, 但它的確比其他的有深度得多... 至少我覺得啦。
"I use 2g of milk and 5000kg of chocolate, and it's always nearly black and then... Then I usually pour in more milk, but then the glass isn't big enough. Then I have to pour it into a bigger glass or another glass if there isn't a big one. It makes a lot of chocolate milk, but that doesn't matter."
ending用了"泡巧克力奶"來比喻青少年的愛情 - 要試很多次才能泡得好。in the end, Elin泡得好不好?
我賣少少關子, 自己看《Fucking Åmål》啦!
電影的中文名字好像是叫《同窗的愛》, 但我應為如果叫《泡巧克力奶的愛》會更適合, 因為它令我超想飲朱古力奶/奶昔!
imdb link
that's a good 'un mate :)
《Fucking Åmål》's name is so attrative xd let me search for tht later:P
haha in the end Elin泡得好不好? maybe u'll make tht better (or kathy:P)lol
nice review! and nice metaphor!
want to watch it, but ... lesbian movie is not exactly my cup of tea :S
wanna watch..
ho chi ho ho tai gum;>
flor are you bi
gigi are you anti-les/anti-bi/anti-homo
heyy florbb
i wanna watch tht film tooo
show me where to find it xdxd
love ur compo
hoi yau sum gei ahh neeii:>
hooray 7 comments for flor's 2nd post!! 8 counting mine :))))
haha natashat u've made 3!! let me make my 2nd. 9 comments! this post is really great!! :)
wah da blog iz so leng boh XD
ho jealous tim LOLZ
ohhhh iz dat da film
u showed me in form 2??
da *less* gurls ???
nice banner :)
i love watching movie reviews and that movie seems very attractive tim XD
omg florflor you do have potential jo goh d comment on films goh d yun!and it's sooooo difficult for me to write some comments on films/songs/news wteva.i hate that actually because everytime i don't know what to write.but it seems you enjoy so much that almost every post is about lei d yeh xd. and of course nei really write duc ho ho and ngo really really yuet lei yuet admire nei loh okay?!
you're really so ging that you know ALMOST EVERYTHING! everytime when i ask you something you can help. no matter what! such as ict graphics languagesss including french italiano etc. maths and english cookery books movies music (gwen haha)........
hahaha what a long comment but all the things here are true :D
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