The unpopularity of this blog does not fail me. What do you expect from a blog that you update only annually, or worse, almost biennially? I always liked the idea of blogging, sharing thoughts with friends and strangers. I started this blog as a creative outlet. Now I only make comebacks every other year... when I need it the most. Since choosing to do Double Maths, Chemistry and Physics for my A-levels, I knew I would need to look elsewhere (other than school) to brush up my language skills. The situation only became worse after I started uni last year. But here I am, making yet another comeback. This time I will stick around, though I'm doubtful I actually will... well at least I'm making a promise. And this time, blog posts will be bilingual, because taking more than n seconds (lim n -> infinity) to think about the strokes of Chinese characters isn't impressive.
我知道我的部落很不受歡迎... 但我沒有甚麼不滿或不甘。難道超級多讀者的部落是由一年一次,甚至兩年一次的更新鍊成的嗎?我很喜歡部落這個與朋友和陌生人分享的概念。當我建立這個部落的時候,我希望它會變成一個分享平台,誰會想到,幾年後的今天,部落會是苟延殘喘...? 從我成為一個徹頭徹尾的理科生那天,我已在找一個可以令我語文運用進步的方法/地方。入讀大學了,情況更不樂觀的時間都仍然未找到。但我回歸啦!望這次的我不會忽然失蹤。從今天起文章將會是雙語,因為我再不能忍受自己每寫一個中文字都要想十多秒...